Saturday 06/23/12 - Week 1
Today at the library I was tasked primarily with developing an auxillary tour script for the NATO photo gallery that will remain on display until July 7th. By compiling information from NATO press releases from the June Summit, existing captions to the photos provided by NATO, and background I recently obtained from articles I read while on my study abroad trip in Tunisia, I believe I was able to create a very thourough and explanatory tour script. It included a 1 page summary of the history and activities of NATO over the past 60 years, 4 pages of tour notes and photo captions, and a 1.5 page section devoted to frequently asked questions encountered on the tour. Also provided were quick weblinks both to NATO's international webpage and Chicago's NATO Summit page. I believe this script will be a great supplement to the primary tour guide, allowing the Pritzker Library's volunteers to conduct guided tours to patrons with a greater degree of accuracy and professionalism.
Because of the time I devoted to the tour script, I was unfortunately unable to continue the work I had begun on my WWII Arctic Warfare bibliography. I hope that next week I will be able to focus my efforts on topics including combat in Greenland, Norway, Finland, and the efforts of Arctic Russian Convoys during the war.